Mr. Jagged Mask

 Mr. Jagged Mask is mentally ill and works at a facility. He has no money and is poor, but he is doing his best with hopes and dreams. Anyway, since the end of the year is near and the beginning of the new year is just around the corner, we need everyone's support. Let's rush towards tomorrow. In Japan, next year is called the Year of the Snake, and it's a year of financial luck. Will something good happen? I hope the money will come to you and you will be happy. Money Money Saurus, it's a dinosaur.

The contents of the ridiculous poem from the Toyohashi music festival are not good, so I will enter the first one with the lyrics.
I got a call, that's good.
As long as you get a lot of hits in the public recruitment, you'll be fine.If you win in the public recruitment, you'll be fine. When I see idiots chasing women's butts like idiots, I think they're just no good.I don't hate women either, I just have my eyes on them.When I see adult content made by idiots, I just think it's no good. I think of this

It would be nice if I could make a profit.
If you buy the land on the moon, I can make a lot of money.

Anyway, this blog is here so everyone can read it.

Go ahead and buy it.
If you do that, you will live.


I'll write again

by gz



